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Galactic Soul Retrieval Healing Session


As a Galactic Shaman one of my gifts is to support souls to unify their Divine Presence and by doing so I return fragments of their soul that they may have rejected or discarded in past lives, on other planets, in other universes or closed down to in this life. I have the ability to do this through the high frequency that I carry. The healing is deep intense soul work, a form of sacred soul retrieval or spiritual surgery if you like!. It is a skill I have mastered over EONS of time. It is a frequency that unifies souls that have felt separated, hidden or repressed. One of my missions here is to lift the repressions of the past into the light, so that the individual soul's gifts can reactivate into the now moment of life. I bring stardust and happiness to all beings who may have felt that they have lost their gifts and for those that wish to retrieve their gifts again in this life.


During the healing I will call in both our Galactic Guides, Galactic Peers, Archangels, Angels, Ascended Masters, Animal Spirits and any other Benevolent Light Beings to assist in the soul retrieval itself. I will be guided where to go to retrieve the soul parts and integrate accordingly. 


What is Soul Retrieval?


During my soul retrival session we focus on locating, recovering and re-integrating lost parts of the soul. We can lose pieces of our Souls mainly because we have suffered from some kind of trauma or loss. Our Soul will sometimes break off or leave to avoid being damaged, and at other times a piece of the Soul may leave during or after the trauma with the bulk of the damage to protect us from being destroyed by it. In both instances the Soul piece will wait for the appropriate time to return and it is most likely when we have completed some emotional healing work on ourselves.


If you are reading this you may have some soul pieces that want to return at this time! And you are ready to integrate them back....


What causes soul loss?


There are a wide range of reasons for soul loss. I will list some of the reasons below:-


  • Emotional, Physical or Sexual Abuse (as a child or adult)

  • Loss of a loved one

  • Assault

  • Accident

  • Soul Theft

  • Painful Breakup of a relationship or marriage


Soul loss can be a protective mechanism that helps the soul survive the traumatic event!


What are the symptoms of soul loss?


There are many symptoms of soul loss. Here are a few below:-


  • Loss of energy, vitality or passion about life

  • Inconsolable Grief (that can last for years)

  • Depression

  • A feeling of being incomplete, like something is missing

  • Chronic Illness

  • Localized pain, such as back, neck and knee problems

  • Gaps in memory

  • Overly active mind

  • Addictions - Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco as a means of escape

  • Unhealthy or uncessary compulsions 

  • Chronic Feelings of shame, low selfesteem, lack of self confidence


What happens before the Healing Sessions?


I will require your full name and a brief description of what is not working in your life that makes you think that you might need a Soul Retrival Healing.  I will then check in with my guides to ascertain whether the session is appropriate for you at this time. If I am told 'no' I will not work with you. If I am told 'yes' I will then arrange a suitable date and time for us to be both present energetically. 


How do I prepare for the Healing Session?


I will ask you to take approximately 1 hour out your day / night to complete the session. I will ask that you prepare yourself in a quiet room / place and to lie or sit down and close your eyes and or / rest (meditate if this helps) You can even have a bath, light candles, play beautiful music. Whatever makes you RELAXED AND BLISSED OUT. And please drink WATER!


I will message you before and afterword advising that the healing has been completed.


What will happen during the Healing Session? What will I experience?


This can vary person to person. From the feedback that i've received these are the following experiences:-

  • Tingling feelings / sensations all over the body

  • Bright lights in the minds eyes / different colours and flashes of light

  • Temperature changes - feeling really hot or cold

  • A deep feeling of peace

  • Deep Relaxation

  • Falling into a semi sleep state (this is your body integrating the energies working with you)

  • Emotions surfacing i.e sadness, crying, happiness, anger

  • Sometimes you may feel nothing at all! and this is completely okay


I may also be guided to pull a couple of cards for you!


Post Healing Session Care


It is extremely important to take care of yourself after the session. Rest when you need to! Release emotions if you need to. There has been deep soul work done on you and you may feel exhaustion too. Drink lots of water and if you require any further help I can available to chat about it after. 



What informtion will I give you after?


I will give you any information that comes up during the healing session, this may be nothing, it may be lots! I will also ask the healee to share what their experience was of the session (if any!). Some after care discussion will take place between myself and the client. 


How much does this cost?


An hour long distance healing session with me costs $90.00 AUD.  This must be paid for before the healing takes place and we are in agreement to go ahead with me doing this intense soul work. 









I highly recommend getting a Galactic Soul Retrieval from Pauline. She is a brilliant, gifted woman, and a deeply powerful Galactic Shaman. My life and learning has picked up great speed since Pauline aligned my energy with parts of myself that I had forgotten. I now understand my Galactic heritage and the roles that I have played throughout many lifetimes. She also brought back pieces of my soul that had broken away during my painful teenage years. She handled my pain with great care and is a beautifully empathic soul. I can't thank her enough! Many blessings to you Pauline xx


D. McCabe, Australia



I just wanted to let you know that each new day now brings me more joy and happiness to my life and I would have to say it has been a very long time since I have felt like this.  This blissful feeling has come about because of the awesome Galactic Soul Retrieval Healing you took me through the other day.  For a very long time I had felt really out of sorts within myself and was at a loss as what to do – I was recommended you by your friend and I am so grateful for her recommendation.  I feel like a whole person again, and I am very excited about where my life is heading.  Thank you so very much lovely lady xxxx  


Vikki, Australia






Disclaimer Statement


Energy Healing is not intended as a substitute for professional medical and/or psychiatric treatment and advice.










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