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It is the absolute joy of working hand in hand with the Angelic Kingdom of Light to bring one of the highest forms of healing to individuals, groups and the planet. Angels are beings who exist outside the different dimensions as we know them. They are the Master Programmers of the Main Programme we know as the Universe. Through their guidance, and the healing art of Angelic Reiki, we can positively influence the creative energy systems of any individual or group, according to Divine Will. This could be on a physical, emotional or mental level.


At this momentous time in the history of Humanity and the Earth, issues are surfacing to be cleared that have their roots deep in the past. We carry the imprints of these at cellular level and they are often worked out through many incarnations, on this and on other planets. These issues are available to be cleared now, through the ability of the Angels to transcend time and space as we know it. As a healer willing to work with the Angels in this way, you offer a great and wonderful service to all, and yourselves.


Angelic Reiki is a safe, natural, high frequency, multidimensional system of Angelic Healing and consciousness expansion that allows connection through the Angelic Kingdom of Light to your Soul energy in order to bring through powerful healing; yet it is simple to learn, easy to use and a delight to receive.


Much more than a healing modality, Angelic Reiki is a profound, very high frequency, multidimensional system of healing and consciousness expansion that is developmental on many levels.


What sets Angelic Reiki healing apart is the pure Divine vibration that is stepped down through the Angelic Kingdom during a treatment to focus powerfully on root causes. Each person responds to the Divine vibration in accordance with their own level of development, and the healing vibration feels noticeably different to that of any other modality - whether you are a recipient or practitioner.


The Angelic Reiki Practitioner is quite simply a channel, a bridge for the Angelic healing energy to be passed onto the recipient.  The healing energy is channelled from the Angelic Realms via Healing Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Galactic Healers.  The healer’s role is to be the facilitator and they do not have to concern themselves with giving the correct Reiki symbols or hand positions.  Truly the Angels take care of the whole process.  Every healing is perfect in its conception and transmission.


The recipient is lovingly supported to let go of physical, emotional, mental, karmic imbalances and any ancestral issues throughout all generations of time and space. When the healing session is in progress, both the healer and the client receive a download of Soul energy, which in turn raises their consciousness. For the client, this allows old thought patterns or low vibrational energy, not in tune with Divine vibration, to be dislodged and transmuted into higher vibrations.


For the Practitioner, it enables them to get a sense  of the cause of the issue.  The healing is transformational for both healer and client.  It is a blessing to give and receive an Angelic Reiki healing session.


Benefits from receiving Angelic Reiki treatments and from learning Angelic Reiki for personal, spiritual and/or professional reasons are AMAZING!. Yet simplicity lies at the heart of Angelic Reiki.


About Angels


Angels are beings - archetypes actually - existing outside the different dimensions as we know them. They are the Master Programmers of the Main Programme we know as the Universe. Through their guidance and in accordance with Divine Will, we can positively influence the creative energy systems of any individual or group. This could be on a physical, emotional psychological or spiritual level.


At this time in the History of humanity and planet Earth, issues that have their roots deep in the past are surfacing to be cleared. We carry the imprints of these at a cellular level and they are often worked out through many incarnations.


People perceive angels in many different ways; the most profound encounters are as physical manifestations. Fascination with angels grows daily. Ordinary, everyday people all over the world opening talk about how angels have helped them, and stories of angelic intervention are becoming more frequent. As people become consciously aware of angels, the veil between our world and theirs becomes thinner. Angels wish for and seek contact and communication with you on a daily basis. You don’t need to be clairvoyant or psychic to experience angelic contact - just open and receptive.


Angelic contact varies greatly from person to person and in many different forms. Some people see angels in human-like form complete with wings, whilst others are able to see angels with their mind’s eye. Some people see coloured swirling lights, and others encounter angels through their dreams or during meditation. Other people are able to feel angelic wings encircling and enfolding them and others encounter angels by being surrounded by a beautiful energy signature.  Angels can be perceived by any and all of the human senses. Some ways in which you may become aware of the presence of angels include:


* The atmosphere and energy of a room or area suddenly changes. You may feel surrounded by a warm glow or sensation. You may feel a rush of energy down your spine, then spread throughout your body. You may feel or sense the air around you tingling or ‘sparking’.

* The room or area suddenly fills with a beautiful fragrance or sweet perfume.

* You may experience a particular sweet taste.

* An ethereal sound or angelic music may be heard, often associated with healing.

* You are overcome with feelings of love, appreciation, gratitude and joy.

* Twinkling silver or colour lights may appear around you momentarily. This may be in the form of sparkles or tiny flashes of bright light, shafts of brilliant dazzling light and/or spheres of colour around you.

* You may feel the sensation of angels wings gently brushing against you or enfolding you. You may even sense or feel angelic hands touching you on your shoulders or clasping your hand.

* A gentle breeze from nowhere me pick up and play with your hair.

* You may become more aware of an increase in ‘coincidences’ that occur in your life and your problems may seem to find their own solutions - sometimes in the most unexpected ways.


One of the angel’s healing tasks is to help us lift our vibrational frequency. There is a perfect solution for every problem. The answers lie in the Higher dimensions – and often our human-self cannot access them. In order to find the solution, we have to hand the situation over to the angels, then listen to and act on the prompting of our intuition. The angels ask that we turn to them and ask for help with the smallest and largest of our problems. There is always a solution and the angels love to provide it for us in many and varied ways, whichever is most appropriate.


Please visit the SERVICES Section for the Payment details to get an Angelic Reiki Healing.


ALL the Angels thanks you for visiting this website and so do I xox



If you would like more information on Angelic Reiki please visit the official website:-



What is Angelic Reiki?   

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